Elena Aberger

Elena Aberger

Elena grew up in Leogang and it was quickly obvious that it would appeal to her to return home after graduating. She loves spending time outdoors in the mountains in the region of Saalfelden Leogang. In doing so, she becomes more and more aware of how unique and beautiful her home is. That is why she draws the most strength from days in nature where she truly relaxes.

Articles by this author

  1. An unforgettable experience on the surrounding Alpine pastures

    Last Friday, the time had finally come: the starting signal for the ALM:KULTUR 2024 was given at the traditional Örgenbauernalm. The weather wasn't at its best, but the anticipation for a special cultural and natural experience was immense. Selina...
  2. The diversity of the dandelion

    Almost all of you know the dandelion, but few probably know that it can be used in quite a variety of ways. Basically, all parts of the dandelion plant can be harvested and processed. In addition, the dandelion is a medicinal plant with a wide...
  3. Tobogganing fun for the whole family in Saalfelden-Leogang | © Michael Geißler

    Tobogganing in Saalfelden Leogang

    If you are looking for experiences away from the slopes during your winter vacation, the toboggan runs in Saalfelden Leogang are the perfect place for you. Whether by day or by night, in our region tobogganing fun is guaranteed for everyone, and the...