Prices and information for Asitz in Leogang

Always in the know! All the information you need on operating hours and prices are available here – enabling you to get even more out of your hiking holiday.


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Are you also interested in a skiing holiday? Then you can find the winter prices here.

Operating hours 2024

Until ski operation start
Saalbach Hinterglemm
Until 13.10.2024
Fieberbrunn (Timoks Wilde Welt & Schweinestberg Trails)
Until 03.11.2024

*Due to the reconstruction of the Streubödenbahn theres no cable car operation in Fieberbrunn in summer 2024. For more information on the Fieberbrunn Adventure Programme, click here.

Asitz lift 
until 20.10.2024 daily open from 09.00 am to 04.30 pm
Steinberg lift
open from 03.10. -  06.10.2024 from 09.00 am to 04.30 pm
Steinberg lift
open from 21.10. to 03.11.2024 from 09.00 am to 04.30 pm
Steinberg lift
open from 04.11.2024 until ski operation start from 09.00 am to 03.30 pm
 Riederfeld lift and conveyor belts
until 03.11.2024 from 09.00 am to 04.30 pm
Ticket office of the Asitz lift 
open from 08.00 am to 05.00 pm
Ticket office of the Steinberg lift
03.10. - 06.10.2024 from 08.00 am to 05.00 pm
Ticket office of the Steinberg lift 
21.10. until 03.11.2024 from 08.00 am to 05.00 pm
Ticket office of the Steinberg lift
open from 04.11.2024 until ski operation start from 09.00 am to 04.00 pm



Prices are shown on the detail pages below.