The diversity of the dandelion

Almost all of you know the dandelion, but few probably know that it can be used in quite a variety of ways. Basically, all parts of the dandelion plant can be harvested and processed. In addition, the dandelion is a medicinal plant with a wide variety of active ingredients. These include, for example, boosting the metabolism and promoting digestion and blood circulation.


The bright yellow flowers of the dandelion grow particularly in spring in almost all meadows and are therefore easy to obtain. We created some healthy delicacies from all parts of the plant and would like to share our recipes with you.

Dandelion honey

Dandelion honey is a delicious, vegan alternative to bee honey, and it doesn't take much effort to prepare. The important aspect is that the flowers are picked on a dry day. Also, to get the best possible flavour, make sure to harvest the dandelion away from busy roads.


Ingredients for 800 g dandelion honey:

  • 200 g dandelion flowers
  • 800 ml water
  • 800 g cane sugar
  • 1 orange
  • Jars for the finished honey


  1. Pick the yellow flowers from the stalks.
  2. Wash and slice the orange.
  3. Place the flowers in a pot with the orange slices and water and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Let the broth cool down, cover it and leave it to infuse for 24 hours.
  5. The next day, strain the liquid through a cloth and squeeze it.
  6. Pour the finished honey into sterilized jars and seal them immediately.

The finished dandelion honey can be used to refine various dishes and drinks. We have spread it quite classically on a sandwich and sweetened our herbal tea with the honey.

Dandelion coffee

Coffee made from a dandelion root? You heard right, it really does exist. However, there are no Arabica beans in this hot drink, but it is a regional and natural pick-me-up. All you need are 10 dandelion roots and the appropriate kitchen equipment.


Ingredients and kitchen equipment:

  • 10 dandelion roots
  • Knife
  • Pan
  • Baking tray
  • Coffee grinder


  1. Cut out the 10 dandelion plants with a knife.
  2. Separate the roots from the leaves and clean them thoroughly.
  3. Then cut the roots into slices of about 5 mm and lay them out on a baking tray to dry. They must now dry for one day.
  4. If they still seem damp the next day, we leave them for another day or dry them in the oven at 40 degrees.
  5. Roast the root pieces in a pan without fat at low temperature. In this process it is important to stir or turn them frequently so that nothing burns.
  6. Optionally add a pinch of sugar.
  7. When the roasted roots have cooled down, we grind them coarsely with a coffee grinder. Alternatively, a blender can be used.

From the finished coffee powder, we use one heaped teaspoon per cup and boil it with hot water. Before sifting, the coffee must brew for about 1 minute.

Dandelion salad

Dandelion salad is very popular in spring and summer. The flowers are very easy to prepare and have many nutrients and can often be found right outside your front door.


Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 400 g dandelion leaves
  • 2-3 dandelion flowers per plate for decoration
  • Optional: some leaf lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers.

For the dressing:

  • 6 tablespoons vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 100 ml water
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • ½ teaspoon of herb salt or garlic salt


  1. Pick the dandelion leaves in a meadow and clean them with a wet kitchen towel. It is important not to rinse them directly with water, as this will cause the leaves to wilt much faster.
  2. Put the leaves in a bowl and mix with the optional ingredients if desired.
  3. As for the dressing, mix the vinegar, oil, water, salt, pepper, herb salt or garlic salt in a container and pour it over the salad.
  4. Eventually, decorate the salad with the dandelion flowers.

We also made a straw out of the flower stalks for a delicious lemon water and thereby used all parts of the dandelion.

Good luck and have fun while preparing!
