Recipe: Spring salat

Actually, we just wanted to interpret the classic dish from Maundy Thursday in a new way. This was successful, and so we created a delicious spring salat, which tastes really good, even after easter!

This time we got some of our ingedients directly from nature: wild herbs and spring flowers. They pimp up this delicious salat - concerning the taste and the look. We decided to take daisys, violets, cress and wild garlic. On top of it, we put fried potatoes and a poached egg. With this tasty salat, you get spring feelings and experience them directly at home. 


Tips for the preparation: 

The most difficult ingredient from this recipe are definitely the poached eggs. Even we had to try a few times until we were successful. The eggs have to be very fresh and cold and the best is, to put some vinegar into the water. Some say that you do not need the vinegar, but our experience showed us that the probability that the eggs turn out to be really poached, are certainly higher when you use vinegar. However, do not put salt into the water. Furthermore, the water should not boil when putting the egg in. The easiest way is to make the water boil, then put the pot away from the hotplate and reduce the heat. Then you crack the egg into a small bowl and from there, you let the egg slowly and cautiously glide into the hot water. You can try to wrap the egg white around the yolk with two spoons if you like to. Then put the pot half on the hotplate again, but keep in mind that the water should definitely not start to boil! After about five minutes, the egg should be finished. When the egg is big, then let it in the water for another half a minute. Take the egg out with a slotted spoon and leave it to drain on a paper towel. Then you can enjoy it! I know it sounds tremendously complicated, but try it and you will succeed!

Ingredients for 2 portions: 

  • 50 g fresh leaf spinach
  • 1 lettuce heart
  • Some spring onions
  • 6 radishes
  • 5 medium potatoes (boiled and grated)
  • 2 eggs
  • Clarified butter 
  • Salt, pepper and nutmeg
  • Orange jam, vinegar and oil
  • Violets, daisys, cress and wild garlic



  1. Wash the lettuce and the leaf spinach
  2. Spice the potatoes with salt, pepper and nutmeg and mix everything 
  3. Prepare the marinade: Put the orange jam, salt, vinegar and oil in a reserving jar, close it and shake it well
  4. Form the potatoes to small dumplings and slowly fry them in the clarified butter until they are golden brown 
  1. Heat water and vinegar in a pot
  2. Crack the eggs - one after the other - in a small bowl
  3. Let the eggs glide seperately into the hot water
  4. Wrap the egg whites around the yolks with the help of two spoons
  1. Cut the radishes, the wild garlic and the spring onions into small pieces
  2. Regularly turn the grated potatoes in the pan 
  3. Prepare the lettuce and the leaf spinach with the marinade
  4. Serve the lettuce with the flowers and the herbs on the plates
  5. Put the prepared grated potatoes on the lettuce
  6. Take the poached eggs out of the water and leave them to drain on a paper towel
  7. Cut the egg, and serve the spring salat

Have a look at the video, there you see how the poached eggs are made. Good luck and enjoy the spring salat!

Eure Kristina