Mountain bikers orient themselves to trailheads
Bike the contrasts
Plan your cycling tours with ease

Bike tours map

Plan your cycling tour right away with this range of suggestions. All tours feature a map and information on the route length, elevation gain and the difficulty of the tour. This makes it easy to find the route that is right for you.

Geöffnete Lifte & Trails in Österreichs größter Bike-Region

Hier findest du aktuelle Infos zum Status der Bergbahnen sowie der Lines & Trails in Österreichs größter Bike-Region. Diese Karte behinhaltet die Bikestrecken, auf denen eine tägliche Kontrolle und Wartung durch unsere Shaper.

The safe and fair way to go biking


1. Health check

Mountain biking is an endurance sport. Ensure that you are in good health and don’t overestimate your capabilities!

2. Careful planning

Make thorough preparations (maps, books, internet, weather) and adjust your tour in line with the conditions!

3. Only use approved routes

Only ride on roads and paths that are open to bikers and respect local restrictions!

4. Check your bike

Check the brakes, air pressure, tyres, suspension and gearshift each time before heading off. Have your bike checked by an expert once a year!

5. Fully equipped

No rucksack should be without the following: warm clothing, rain protection, repair kit, first aid kit, mobile phone, light, gloves, eyewear, food and drinks!




6. Always wear a helmet

Whether heading uphill or downhill, always wear a helmet! Additional protectors can help prevent injury.

7. Pedestrians have the right of way

Be a considerate rider by announcing your presence early and reducing your speed. Keep away from hiking paths with lots of walkers!

8. Check your speed

Adjust your speed to the conditions and always be ready to use your brakes!

9. Keep it clean

Controlled braking prevents soil erosion and damage to the paths. Be sure to pick up your rubbish and don’t make too much noise!

10. Show compassion for animals

Ride during daylight hours to avoid disturbing the animals. Approach at walking pace and close pasture fences after passing through!