BUCHbinden - vom gefalzten Büttenpapier zum fadengeheften Buch

Bookbinding - from folded laid paper to thread-sewn book Create your own book with hand-crafted paper, thread-bound, with a linen cover, individually embossed - each piece is a unique work and will bring you joy for a long time

Price: Euro 99.00 per person
Information and programs at www.druckkunst.at or under druckkunst@buchbindereifuchs.at

Buchbinderei Fuchs
Zeller Bundesstraße 4, 5760 Saalfelden
Buchbinderei Fuchs
25. April 2025
14:00 O'clock
Duration: 5 Hours
Zeller Bundesstraße 4
5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer