2nd Tourism Day Saalfelden Leogang

Tuesday, 27.11.2018

2nd Tourism Day Saalfelden Leogang

On 26 November 2018, the time had come - the second Tourism Day of the Saalfelden Leogang holiday region was held at Congress Saalfelden and was attended by 170 enthusiastic guests.

"If you always do what you can already do, you will always remain what you already are!" - It was precisely this motto that was used on this evening to provide new impetus for the further development of the region.


The evening was opened by Hannes Riedlsperger, TVB Chairman Saalfelden and Christoph Schmuck, TVB Chairman Leogang. Managing Director of Saalfelden Leogang Touristik, Marco Pointner, presented the region's new, planned employee opening. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find qualified and committed staff in tourism. The region wants to counteract this and is organising the first Employee Opening on 17 and 18 December 2018. Marco Pointner gave an insight into the project: "Finding and retaining employees is becoming increasingly important in tourism. That's why we are now launching an extensive project on the topic of employer branding. The kick-off event is aimed at all sectors of the economy related to tourism. With this interesting training opportunity, we also want to convey the feeling that we are all working on a joint project when we provide services for our guests and customers. Sabine Hübner is the trainer, idea generator and facilitator. She is an expert in service culture."

An important part of the employer branding project is the "Your Future" training programme, which will be launched next year under the direction of service specialist Sabine Hübner. In this series of workshops for employees, service presentations will alternate with active parts. "We are convinced that informed employees increase the quality of advice and support for customers and guests and therefore satisfaction on all sides," says Marco Pointner.

Arnold Oberacher, Managing Director of conos GmbH, then gave an insight into the price and value added comparison of the Saalfelden Leogang region, which the strategy and management consulting company carried out last year. Insights into the pricing structure of the region provided impulses for the pricing of various tourism services.


Afterwards, FH-Prof. Dr Barbara Neuhofer, an expert in the field of (digital) experience staging and product design in the tourism sector, was welcomed to the stage. She is a successful keynote speaker and author. FH-Prof. Dr Barbara Neuhofer conducts research at the FH Salzburg in Puch/Urstein and imparts her knowledge in presentations at universities around the world.  

The evening was rounded off with a lecture by Hannes Treichl, which was designed to encourage "different thinking". Hannes Treichl took the audience on a journey beyond the familiar thinking highways and revealed the one secret that all successful people and great ideas have in common: Immediately actionable tips for breaking out of comfort zones and overcoming excuses.

After the presentations, participants were invited to enjoy regional delicacies and refreshments and were able to reflect on the successful second Tourism Day while chatting with the speakers.