The Biberg Auffiradler in Saalfelden - the ultimate challenge

Thursday, 22.06.2023

The Biberg Auffiradler in Saalfelden - the ultimate challenge

On June 30, the legendary mountain race for runners and mountain bikers on the Saalfelden Hausberg enters its 11th edition.

With just a few days to go, the Saalfeldener Hausberg will once again be all about sport: the Biberg Auffiradler und Berglauf is one of the most crisp mountain sports events in the region on the programme. Crisp, because one look at the profile is enough to conjure the sweat beads on the participants' foreheads. If you compare the 5.5-kilometer short distance with its 700 meters of altitude to be conquered, a good race time is already required corresponding strength. But this should not deter the Teilhmer:innen, because the Biberg Auffiradler is also a social get together. Already the events of the past years were meeting point of the best mountain bikers and mountain runners. Beyond the Pinzgau, the Biberg Auffireradler in Saalfelden Leogang has already made a good name for itself in recent years. 


The Biberg is also a challenging route for runners
The fight for the coveted trophy of the Biberg Stag is also hard and relentless for the runners. If the destination at the Berggasthof Biberg can already be seen, let's get to the point again. “For us as the organisers, everyone is a winner, a winner who manages this course. The single start mode hardly allows any clocking and everyone is constantly asked to call up their best performance”, Tom Hutter of Sport 2000 Simon describes the special feature of the race. An extraordinary experience is also the prize distribution in the Berggasthof Biberg, where the bikers and runners are well entertained and catered.